lauantai 30. kesäkuuta 2012

You know what sucks?

In fashion everything is done, every idea is had, been there done that. I'm a huge lover of the history of fashion, right now really into 17th and 19th centuries. Love all the detailing and the pompous accessories and on the other hand the simplicity that laid the bricks for modern menswear of our times.

I love Walter Van Beirendonck. I know that all the ideas are there, used and abused all the time. But I get a silly feeling when I've been planning thing and then I see the same shit on the catwalk.. Hmm.. Then again I could say I didn't steal the idea but just went through my own archives. Which is also true, I've been making protos and these collars now for the past few weeks and also made some shit in 2005.

Walter for 2013, lovely! Made with more tulle then mine in..

...2005. And oh how skinny I was back then.

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