I work for a big company, selling clothes. Something that I've always wanted to do; to work in fashion, get paid.. Now the place I work for has really nothing to do with fashion, it's just clothing. And the main point is to sell. Sell as much as you can, to everyone. Force them to buy. Anything as long as you sell. Now I have two (is this the correct way of saying this?) degrees in fashion, I sort of know a lot about it. To be perfectly honest I feel like my 'talents' are just going to trash working where I work. I think it's telling something that I work in a clothing shop and my degrees in fashion and/or clothing don't matter when it comes to my paycheck..
From my own little shop that I had to close in the spring to this place.. I mean the two worlds couldn't be further apart. First of all I work in a mall outside the bright lights of this big city and I mean.. people are different, we come in all shapes and forms but still I keep wondering how and when did Finns get this fat? And I'm not talking about some little chubbiness of few extra-kilos, no. I'm talking about really obese people, young people, kids.. To me it's really disturbing trying to explain to a 14-year-old kid that the biggest size we have is XXXL and apologize that it's too small for him. I mean really? Then you see the parents and just realize that this kid is going to grow up fatter and fatter till the point his joints are just plain ruined by the time he hits his 20s. I find it incredibly sad and disturbing. And the sad part is that it's not a rarity anymore. When it comes to adults it's sort of.. you know it's your life and body you're allowed to get as sick as you want but seeing fat kids is the part that hurts me, almost personally.
When I use the words white trash I've been sort of referring to myself and my friends, more as a joke but with a slight hint of truth in the shadows. Not anymore. At the moment my daily customers are whiter than white, trashier than trash. It's even more of a struggle to me than the fact that after working there for a month I still don't know how much I earn or have signed any contract regarding my employment.
Anyway, the follow up to this question is that is it really fair then that all the blame is on the 'fashion industry', that it's making only clothes for skinny people, models and anorectics? Don't think so. There are more shops opening for 'plus-sized' people all the time even here in Finland (I used to think it's merely the Americans that get that big..) and to think that we need clothes in the size 9XL is beyond me. And what I find interesting are all the light-products in the stores, all the fat free shit that people keep buying and eating. And still..
I'll get to my lost dreams in a moment..
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